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New Beginnings Mocha Money Meet Up

A healing and recovery space for those dealing with financial grief.

Psalm 121:1-2
“I will lift my eyes to the hills- from where comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth”

Financial stress, grief, and trauma are pervasive and often overwhelming experiences that have a profound impact on your well-being and quality of life. In times of economic uncertainty and instability, many people grapple with fear, anxiety, and depression as they navigate the challenges of managing their finances.


The Power of Lament

The New Beginnings Mocha Money Meet-Up will explore the concept of using lamenting prayer as a tool and coping mechanism for dealing with financial stress, grief, and trauma while walking with God through the cycles of financial grief and financial recovery.  


Lament is a form of prayer that allows you to acknowledge and process feelings of sorrow, grief, and frustration, and offers a holistic approach to addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of financial challenges. By turning to lament in times of financial hardship, you can find comfort, strength, and guidance as you navigate the complexities of your financial circumstances.

Is the New Beginnings Mocha Money Meet-Up for you? Yes, if...

  • You are dealing with financial stress, grief, or trauma.

  • You are feeling overwhelmed trying to navigate your financial journey alone.

  • You’re ready to align the way you think about money with biblical principles and God's heart. 

  • You are looking for practical advice, valuable insights, and strategies for overcoming
    financial challenges through prayer and reading the scriptures.

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What you can expect

You were not created to do life alone. We have found that healing and success happen in community. So, once a month you will join like-minded women and men who want to invite God into their financial grief and recovery journey. Together you will discuss:

Walking with God through financial stress, grief, and trauma.

Your money personality type and how to heal your relationship with God and money.

How to break negative, generational financial beliefs and habits through lamenting prayer and aligning your actions with scripture.

The principles of ownership versus stewardship

How to set up money management systems to help you reach your goals.

What you will receive

  • Access to Faith-Driven Financial Coaches, Inner Healing Coaches, and Spiritual Formation Coaches

  • An Accountability and Prayer Coach

  • Workbook and Other Resources

  • Money Management App

  • Mocha Money Member Gift


What you will gain

  • Hope

  • Peace

  • Comfort

  • Confidence

  • Clarity

  • Support

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Monthly Session Topics

*Sessions are free, but participants must purchase an E-Workbook ($35 value)*

Session 1- Creating Sacred Space for Change

Session 2- The Theology of Lamenting Prayer

Session 3- The Ancient and Biblical Practice of Lamenting Prayer

Session 4- Walking with God Through Financial Stress, Grief, and Trauma Pt. 1

Session 5-Walking with God Through Financial Stress, Grief, and

Trauma Pt. 2

Session 6- Healing Family and Generational Financial Trauma Pt. 1

Session 7- Healing Family and Generational Financial Trauma Pt. 2

Session 8-Walking with God Through Financial Recovery Pt. 1

Session 9- Walking with God Through Financial Recovery Pt. 2

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