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The Mocha Money Meet-Up  is a safe space for women to gather together over a cup of coffee or tea just to talk about money. 


​If you are carrying the burden and weight of financial stress, secrets and shame.  Rest assured, there is NO shame here! Join in monthly with a community of like-minded women to learn how to take control of your finances and live a life filled with meaning and purpose, just the way God intended. 

It's time to break the cycle

Too many women struggle in silence and secrecy about money. Many of us grew up without having or hearing healthy conversations about money or learning how to manage it successfully.

Is the Mocha Money Meet-Up
for you? 
Yes, if...

  • You’re ready to align the way you manage money with biblical principals and God's heart.

  • You are feeling overwhelmed trying to navigate your financial journey alone.

  • You have money secrets.

  • You are dealing with fear, guilt, and shame about your financial situation.

  • You are ready to get clear about your finances.

  • You are ready to release old mindsets and behaviors that keep you stuck in patterns of lack and scarcity.

  • You are ready, willing, and committed to do the work to heal your relationship with money.

  • You are ready to take actionable steps to achieve your financial goals.

  • You are ready to implement financial management systems to track your goals and success.

  • You know that now is the time for you to experience true and lasting financial freedom God’s way!

What you can expect

Once a month you will join like-minded women who want to invite God into their finances. Together you will learn:

The principles of stewardship versus ownership.


Your money personality and how to heal your relationship with money.


How to break negative, generational financial beliefs and habits.


How to set up money management systems to help you reach your goals.


How to align earning, spending, saving, giving, and investing with your values and biblical principles.


How to take actionable steps to create a solid financial plan to increase your earnings, save, get out of debt, and prepare for the future.

What you will receive

  • Faith-Based Group Financial Coaching.  *Inner Healing and/or Spiritual Formation Coaching with associated package purchase.

  • Mid-Month Group Check-in's

  • Expert Advice from Christian Leaders and Industry Professionals

  • An Accountability and Prayer Partner

  • Planning Tools including a Workbook, Worksheets, Money Management App, and Resources

  • Mocha Money Member Gift

  • Membership in the private Mocha Money Meet-Up Facebook Group

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What you will gain

  • Clarity

  • Confidence

  • Financial Stability

  • Freedom

  • Hope

  • Peace of Mind

  • Sisterhood

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"I began working with Salathia in March of 2018. At first I thought it was JUST a way to get my finances in order, but it was more than that. I had to examine the roots of my financial behavior, break the negative cycles from the past, and begin practicing new habits to benefit me and my children

Jozette Wineglass


Membership Packages

Mocha Money Basic

$1,125 or $125/month for 9 months


Mocha Money Deluxe

$1,350 or $150/month for 9 months

includes your choice of 1 private coaching session (Financial Coaching, Inner Healing Coaching, or Spiritual Formation Coaching)


Mocha Money Premium

$1,575 or $175/month for 9 months

includes your choice of 2 private coaching sessions (Financial Coaching, Inner Healing Coaching, or Spiritual Formation Coaching)


10% discount if you pay in full at booking.

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Monthly Session Topics

     Session 1: Creating Sacred Space for Change


Session 2: Understanding Your Relationship with Money


 Session 3: Renewing Your Mind and Making Power-Filled Decisions


Session 4: "Girl, Know Your Worth in the Marketplace": Salary Negotiation


Session 5: Values Based Budgeting, Savings, Credit and Debt Management Planning


Session 6: Tax Saving Strategies


Session 7: Planning for Your Future Pt. 1-  Retirement and Insurance


Session 8: Planning for Your Future Pt. 2- Estate Planning


Session 9: Planning for Your Community- Charitable Giving


*Don't Forget  to Bring Your Bible!

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