September Mocha Money Faith & Finance Tip
Matters of the Heart
1 Samuel 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
“Stewardship is not about having the perfect credit score, a portfolio, and lots of money in the bank. Those may be signs of faithful stewardship, but that's not what God is after. He is after our hearts. Faithful Stewardship is aligning your heart and money with God.”
- Salathia Johnson The Faith and Finance Coach
Question: What is the Lord asking you to let go of in your heart about money?
Action: Spend some time thinking about how you feel about money and journal about it.
Prayer Focus: Spend some time today talking to God about how you feel about your current financial situation. Talk to Him about your concerns, and listen for His wisdom, guidance and instructions. Whatever you hear write it down.